14-02-2022 Hits:0 Noticias

Alonso an Asian tiger has just celebrated his 20th birthday in the Benidorm Zoo, Terra Natura.
Asian tigers normally have a life span of 12-15 years in the wild although...
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14-02-2022 Hits:7 Noticias

Nisha, a 21-year-old female rhinoceros from the animal park Terra Natura Benidorm: is looking for love!
The park is looking for a genetically compatible mate from another European Zoo for Nisha...
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25-10-2020 Hits:607 Noticias

Aqua Natura water park in Benidorm commence their autumn Therapy program.
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07-01-2020 Hits:1301 Noticias

For the latest offers and discounts purchase your tickets here or from our office in the Calle Gerona 48 03503 Benidorm
Click here to purchase your tickets now.
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23-12-2018 Hits:1774 Noticias

The wild cat family at Terra Natura Benidorm has grown with the birth of two ocelot kittens.
The expertise and perseverance of the experts at the park to conserve this species...
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